Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

Caracas: A Course on the Characters and Symbols of the Advent Season

Sobicain and the Centro Bíblico San Pablo of Caracas (Venezuela) are offering a course on the characters and symbols that characterize the liturgical season of Advent. A journey through the pages of the Word of God, the popular traditions that have reinterpreted them, and the symbols that for generations have contained a message of hope for all peoples. Three prominent figures of the local Sobicain will guide the way: José Ángel Torres, director of Sobicain; Dr. Rebeca Cabrera, biblical scholar and teacher, former regional coordinator of Febic; and Brother Naudy Mogollon, doctoral candidate in biblical theology and member of the international team of the Centro Bíblico San Pablo. To learn more, go here.

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