Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

From a Doctrinal Approach to a Kerygmatic Testimony: FeBiC Plenary (Day 3)

At the table of speakers alternate authoritative figures that allow the Assembly to breathe “the breath of the Word” as it is perceived in different parts of the world: by His Eminence Card. Charles Bo, President of the Episcopal Conference of Asia; in His Ecc. Mons. Peter Abir, president of the Episcopal Conference of India; from Susana Nuin, sociologist and consultant of CELAM, to Nicoletta Gatti, professor of Sacred Scripture in Ghana and expert on Gospel and inculturation. The common thread that all share is a question that challenges the assembly: how to pass from a doctrinal approach to the Word to a kerygmatic testimony, which returns to the Word its vitality and makes it a channel of New Life? In-depth discussions in the Plenary Assembly, alternate moments of discussion by “regions” (Africa, North America, South America-Caribbean, Asia, Australia, Europe) that bring together participants from individual continents, to focus on priorities and issues and to focus on the people best suited to form the new executive committee of febic. The workshops in which new approaches to the Word are shared, capable of having a greater impact on pastoral care, catechesis and communication, are also beginning.





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