Nell’approssimarsi della Settimana Santa, la Fondazione Martini propone di riascoltare gli audio della Scuola della Parola 1983-1984: meditazioni a partire dal Salmo 50 (51), che Martini volle porre sotto il
Shafts of Light is a new series exploring the power of the Psalms by Canon John Udris from Northampton Diocese. He guides us around the richness of the Psalms for all the ups and downs of life. This ancient poetry speaks to us today with its wealth of experience of what it means to be truly human and to live life to the full. Part of the grace of the psalms is that they articulate a language of faith for all of us at different stages of our journey. They both sustain but also call us beyond our present insights and immediate circumstances. They might well help us to identify with, and intercede for, those who find themselves in that particular situation as well. They are the songs of a pilgrim people who are always on the move. For more information, see here.
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