Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

The Question That “Shakes” the Bible: “Where is God?”

The terrible earthquake that, lasting for a few moments, claimed more than fifty thousand lives in Syria and Turkey (a number still rising) presents in all its crudeness and cruelty the drama of the suffering of the innocent. In the silence of God it is man who must speak and ask: “Where are you?” A cry that biblical scholars compare to a roar. “Why do you hide your face?” (Gb 13:24). “Do you not care that we die?” (Mk 4:38) ask the disciples terrified in the face of the storm to the Master who is sleeping, . Where is God in the earthquake, in the storm? No editorial in our newspapers asked the question about God. Stifled question? Or considered useless. Childish. The true drama of modern thought, the divorce between faith and reason, has ruled the death of the theodicy.  We propose to our readers a very recent volume entitled Nella tempesta Dio. Sul dolore tra bibbia e filosofia (In the storm God. On the pain between the Bible and philosophy , Saint Paul 2023) in which a biblical scholar and a philosopher, don Francesco Voltaggio and prof. Francesco Paolo Ciglia, questions themselves in front of the mysterium iniquitatis trying to stretch a bridge that allows to open horizons of meaning in the existential night of the suffering of the innocent without the pretense of offering answers or solutions. To learn more, read the reflection and article by Miguel Cuartero Samperi in this link.

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