A medida que se acerca la Semana Santa, la Fundación Martini propone volver a escuchar los audios de la Escuela de la Palabra 1983-1984: meditaciones a partir del Salmo 50
As the season of Lent draws near we are once again invited to reflect on our journey towards holiness. In this regard, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology offers us these new twelve beautifully produced lessons to make us understand more of our relationship with holiness, but above all to learn and experience more of the transformative power of God’s holiness.
To be released this Lent of 2023, the 12-part Scripture study explores the Scriptural encounters with the Divine – the burning bush, the ark of the covenant, the burning coal, and many others! As our fear and trembling turns to awe and wonder, you’ll come to a new appreciation of our sharing in the divine life.
Registration is for free. To register go here.
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SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo
C/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID
Tlf. +34 91 742 5113
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