Centro Bíblico San Pablo

SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo

Polonia: La súper producción de la Audio-Biblia.

It all started with a simple idea. With the idea to share stories. Stories that unite. Between 2015 and 2018, a team of five young people created the most unique radio play in Poland – The Audio Bible Super Production. This undertaking involved over 500 professional performers and 10,000 extras. The Polish version of The Audio Bible Super Production was the world’s first Audio Bible project of such scale and quality. 113 hours long, background sounds recorded in Israel, 3D sound effects and the whole production immersed in symphonic music. The Audio Bible allows listeners to fully engage in the stories and is a technological achievement, unique in its own kind. Some of greatest stars of theatre and television, amazing composers, musicians and sound engineers took part in building this story. Recordings to all language versions took place on four continents involving a total of almost 20,000 people from around the world. Within two years of its launch, the Polish version of the Audio Bible reached almost 2 million listeners. Currently, the Audio Bible is available to the Polish, English and Spanish-speaking community. See the Audio Bible project and make your experience here!
