Nell’approssimarsi della Settimana Santa, la Fondazione Martini propone di riascoltare gli audio della Scuola della Parola 1983-1984: meditazioni a partire dal Salmo 50 (51), che Martini volle porre sotto il
How should we read the Old Testament? For naysayers, the stories from these books are mere fictions, pure nonsense, a work of bronze-age mythology that contradicts what it “preaches”. For many Christians, however, it is the story of a long journey towards salvation, it is a literal account of the world, a work of divine dictation recalling what transpired long ago. For many theologians, it is a historical puzzle, a collection of works best understood through the intentions of its human authors.
In this groundbreaking book—the first of two volumes—Bishop Robert Barron offers a new way of understanding the Old Testament rooted in the writings of the Church Fathers in his latest book entitled The Great Story of Israel: Election, Freedom and Holiness. Journeying steadily through the Pentateuch, the historical writings, and the biblical novellas, this latest book offers an invigorating theological and spiritual interpretation of these ancient texts, one that draws together the particular concerns of their human authors and the unique purpose of the Holy Spirit. The parts and the whole, the Old and the New, and doctrine and exegesis all come together in this dramatic story of election, freedom, and holiness—a story read in the light of Christ, the glory of his people Israel.
Bishop Robert Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and the host of CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking, award-winning documentary about the Catholic faith. On July 21, 2015, Pope Francis announced his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and on June 2, 2022, as bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota).
To learn about the book here is the link.
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